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Waidner-Spahr Library

History: U.S. - African-American History

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African-American History

The library has a growing collection of material relating to African-American history and culture.  In addition to searching the library catalog for full-length books and printed primary sources, and JumpStart for secondary source journal articles, you can use the following specialized databases to locate additional sources.


Secondary Sources in African-American History

Primary Sources in African-American History

The databases listed below will help you find primary sources on African-American history, though you should also use the other techniques found on the Primary Sources page.


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Jill Anderson
Mobile Librarian Hours:Tuesdays, 1:00-2:45 pm: Bosler Hall
Thursdays, 1:30-3:30 pm: East College
Librarian Office 4, Main Level (Map)
(717) 245-1868