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Waidner-Spahr Library

History: Russia & Eastern Europe

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Russian & Eastern European History

The library has a growing collection of material relating to Russia and Eastern Europe  In addition to searching the library catalog for full-length books and printed primary sources, and JumpStart for secondary source journal articles, you can use the following specialized databases to locate additional sources.


Secondary Sources on Russia & Eastern Europe

Primary Sources on Russia and Eastern Europe

The databases listed below will help you find primary sources on Russian and Eastern European history, though you should also use the other techniques found on the Primary Sources page.


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Jill Anderson
Mobile Librarian Hours:Tuesdays, 1:00-2:45 pm: Bosler Hall
Thursdays, 1:30-3:30 pm: East College
Librarian Office 4, Main Level (Map)
(717) 245-1868