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Waidner-Spahr Library

Special Access Instructions for eBooks & Online Newspapers: Washington Post

A guide providing special instructions for accessing ebooks and specific journals.

Washington Post Online access through Library

Current Dickinson students, faculty, and staff can access content from 2005 to the present.  See on-campus and off-campus access instructions elsewhere on this page.

The Library is able to provide this college-wide access through a discounted subscription offer from the LYRASIS library consortium.  

On-Campus Access

No special steps are necessary in order access this subscription from on-campus. If you are connected to the campus network, you will receive seamless access to the Washington Post site. 

However, if you wish to use the Washington Post app, we recommend creating a account and connecting it to your Dickinson subscription (Option 2 under Off-Campus Access).

Off-Campus Access

Option 1, Recommended for infrequent users:

  • Access using the link on the library database list (also shared above). You will be prompted for your Dickinson login (if you're not already logged in to your Dickinson account).
  • The advantage of this option is that it doesn't require any special set-up or a login other than your existing Dickinson username and password.  
  • The drawback of this option is that you can't start from the Washington Post app or click on a article link in an email or on another site and be recognized as a Dickinson user. You must always go through the Dickinson-specific link when you are off-campus.

Option 2, Recommended for frequent users and users of the Washington Post app:

  • Create a new account using your email address and activate your Dickinson access:
  1. Visit to sign-up with your email address
  2. Create a password just for Washington Post access (for security, do NOT use your Dickinson password).
  3. Click Create Account
  4. You will receive an email to verify your email address. Click on Verify Email
  5. This will verify your email address for your account AND subscribe you to the free digital access through the Dickinson College Institution Subscription
  • Verify an existing account that uses your address:
  1. Visit log in with your existing Washington Post account
  2. Click on your name in the upper right-hand corner
  3. Click My Post, then click on Manage Account
  4. Make sure you email address is Verified, in not, click "Unverified" to be send a verification email
  5. Click the Subscription and Billing tab
  6. Click Activate free digital access
  • The advantage of accessing this way is that it makes Dickinson subscription access through the Washington Post app seamless if you are logged in via the app. If you are logged in to in your browser, any time you click on a link, you'll gain subscription access.
  • The drawback of this process is that it requires creating a account.

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