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Waidner-Spahr Library

Special Access Instructions for eBooks & Online Newspapers: Chronicle of Higher Ed

A guide providing special instructions for accessing ebooks and specific journals.

Chronicle of Higher Education through the Library

The site license provided by the library includes: Unlimited access to Chronicle content, news, and data back to 1989 "Chronicle insights" dating back to 1967. Special issues (but NOT special reports). Newsletters with the creation of a free account. Virtual events. Job board and salary comparison data.

Off-Campus and Mobile App Access

Access to the Chronicle of Higher Education is automatic from any computer connected to the Dickinson network. If you are connected to Dickinson's subscription on a computer, you will see this message in the top left corner of Chronicle pages:

                Site license access provided by Dickinson College            Dickinson's subscription provides access to all Chronicle articles.

Off-Campus Access via Computer

Create a free account on the Chronicle of Higher Education Website using your Dickinson e-mail address, and when you log onto the site with that account you should have full access from any computer in the world.

  1. Go to and click on the “Sign In” link at top right of the page.
  2. On the login page, click on "Sign Up."
  3. Enter your name, your Dickinson e-mail address and create a new password (for security, do NOT use your Dickinson password).
  4. At the bottom of the form, click on the "Sign Up" button.
  5. You should receive an email soon. Follow the directions to verify your e-mail to activate your account. 

>After you create an account and log in, look for "Site license access provided by Dickinson College" at the top left corner of the Chronicle site, which indicates that you are connected to the Dickinson subscription. Remember to sign in with this account, when you want to access Chronicle in the future!

Smartphones and Tablets

There is no longer a Chronicle app for iPads, nor for iPhones or Android devices. You should be able to access the Chronicle's articles through the web browsers of those devices, as described in the Off-Campus Access via Computer section, above.

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