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Waidner-Spahr Library

Special Access Instructions for eBooks & Online Newspapers: EBSCO eBook Collections

A guide providing special instructions for accessing ebooks and specific journals.

Accessing EBSCO eBooks

The following options are available for reading EBSCO eBooks on a computer.

Read Online

  • This is the easiest option if you have a stable internet connection.
  • The EBSCO online eBook viewer is browser-based, so there is no need to download special software. The eBook viewer supports reading on a desktop, laptop, tablet and many mobile devices. 
  • Use the left navigation in the eBook viewer to move to specific chapters, or to search within the book's text.

Chapter, Page Range, or Single Page Download  (some limited access ebooks may not allow download)

Downloading full eBooks

  • To download an entire eBook to read on your device, you must have Adobe Digital Editions program downloaded
  • You will have to log in/create a personal EBSCO profile to download the ebook
  • Once signed in, click “download” and navigate to the “download full ebook” section
  • Hit “download” and follow steps to download the ebook .acsm file
    • Check-out limits will also be displayed here during this step
  • Open the file in Adobe Digital Editions to read
    • If this is your first time opening an ebook .acsm file in Adobe Digital Editions, a screen will pop up asking you to authorize your device using an Adobe ID. Please skip this step by clicking the check item box at the bottom of the pop up box that says "I want to authorize my computer without an ID"
    • Follow the steps to authorize your computer without an ID
    • Once authorized, re-download the ebook .acsm file and the ebook should show up in your Adobe Digital Editions Library

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