Having problems obtaining a Group Pass? Be sure to confirm that you don't have existing NYT.com subscriptions connected to your Dickinson email. See notes under "If you have a personal NYT.com subscription."
The library New York Times subscription allows current Dickinson faculty, students, and staff to access the paper's online edition whether on or off campus, using a browser or the NY Times App on your smartphone.
*See instructions for first time registration, as well as for the NY Times app.*
*See instructions for renewing a group pass.*
*See other subscription limitations.*
*See NY Times educational resouces.*
For more information, please consult the NY Times webpage.
Once registered, a student group pass is valid until graduation. Faculty and staff will need to renew registration annually (provided you are still affiliated with Dickinson).
1. Navigate to the Dickinson Group Pass registration page
2. Select your registration option, based on whether you are on or off-campus. If you're off-campus, you will need to enter your Dickinson login when prompted.
3. Click "Already have an account? Log in here"
4. Log in with your existing NYT username (your dickinson.edu email address) and password
Once completed, your digital access will be restored and you may navigate directly to nytimes.com from any web-enabled device (you won't need to repeat this process for another year).
NYTime Games/Crossword, and NYTimes Cooking are NOT included in the access provided through the library. If you want to also maintain any personal NYTimes.com subscriptions, you should access your personal subscription through a different username/login that does NOT use your Dickinson email address to avoid problems with access. See the NYT.com member center for contact information.
Provides "curated reading lists, updated weekly during the academic year, across 12 disciplines of study" including "multimedia journalism, opinion coverage, newsletters, audio, investigative reporting" as part of the library provided campus site license. Access the tool while logged in to your New York Times account.
The Library-provided access to NYTimes.com includes access now includes New York Times Audio, a new app featuring audio journalism and storytelling on everything from world events to what to cook. In order to access New York Times Audio, users must first register for a Group Pass following the instructions on this page, then download and install the "NYT Audio" app from the App Store. Users who are logged in to Dickinson's on-site wifi with their iPad or iPhone will not be able to access NYT apps unless they redeem a News code/pass first pass first.
New York Times institutional subscription features (some feature require individual registration/My Account setup):
Librarians: ask@dickinson.libanswers.com
Text us: 717-366-6623
Librarians by Department
Circulation desk: 717-245-1397