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Waidner-Spahr Library

Spanish & Portuguese : SPAN 401: Senior Research Seminar

Reference Books - Finding Background Information

Reference books, including encyclopedias and dictionaries, can be excellent sources of background information on a topic.  

Credo Reference is a collection of online reference books.  Use the search box below to find entries related to your research topic.

Credo Logo

Using Google Scholar?

Borrow From Other Libraries Service

Requesting an Article or Book Chapter:

If an article or book chapter you need is not available online through Dickinson's library, you may request a copy through the ILLiad service. The item will be delivered to you electronically.   Please keep in mind that request delivery times will be affected by service and staffing limitations at other libraries. 

Requesting Print Books:

Most student requests for book loans from other libraries have been suspended.  Exceptions may be made for those in 400-level seminars, engaging in independent study, or working on honors projects after first having a consultation with a reference librarian to find alternative sources. You may contact the librarians through our general reference email.

Creating an ILLiad Account:

First time users of ILLiad will need to register and create a username and password, which is separate from your campus network login   More information about ILLiad is available on the Borrow From Other Libraries guide.


JumpStart (which includes the library catalog) is a good first place to search for sources on your topic.

Be sure to try some of these other library databases. Some will be useful to everyone, while others are relevant to just some of your topics. Be sure to read the descriptions to help you decide which are relevant to you.

Other Database Lists


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Jill Anderson
Mobile Librarian Hours:Thursdays, 1:30-3:30 pm: East College
Librarian Office 4, Main Level (Map)
(717) 245-1868