You oversee all library services consultants during your supervisor’s shifts:
If a student employee is not performing their duties, it is your responsibility to have a professional conversation in order to keep library services consultants engaged in helping users and performing tasks as needed. Repeated poor performance after you address the issue with the LSC should be reported to the Circulation Services Supervisor.
Ensure proper coverage of service desks. Student employee schedule is displayed at the Circulation Desk and a link is posted on section 1 of Moodle. If a student employee who is scheduled to work is 10 minutes late:
When ill or in an emergency situation, student employees have been oriented to call the circulation desk to report their absence to the on-duty supervisor. When you get a call, please document the communication on the 'Excused Absences' forum in section 1 on Moodle. Absent student employees are also expected to post their shift on the sub-request forum.