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Waidner-Spahr Library

Information for ILL and Stacks Assistants: EZBorrow Lending

Lending Processing


  • There are two request slips for the same item.
  • It is a multi-volume set
  • It is a DVD
  • The item is damaged
    • The binding is loose
    • Pages falling out
    • Heavily marked with pen or highlighter

Fill Request

  1. Once the books have been pulled from the stacks, open EZBorrow - ReShare in your browser and login with your credentials.
  2. Open UPDATE app.
  3. From the dropdown menu select FILL REQUEST.
  4. Scan the REQUEST barcode.
  5. A popup will appear asking you to scan the BOOK barcode.

Mark Request Shipped

  1. Once finished scanning all the request barcodes and their corresponding book barcodes, select MARK REQUEST SHIPPED from the dropdown menu.
  2. Scan all the request barcodes again to mark them as shipped to the borrowing library.
  3. Place the books on the shipping shelves.