Below are selected key resources for cultural studies. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of this subject area, it might also be helpful to consult guides in related disiplines, such as:
Online Encyclopedias
Encyclopedia of American StudiesThis link opens in a new windowExplore general articles on American history and culture. This encyclopedia addresses topics such as literature, art, photography, film, popular culture, architecture, consumer culture, urban studies, ethnicity, gender, race, economics, labor, social movements, politics, and global America. (This encyclopedia is also part of Credo Reference.) Coverage: pre-colonial times to present. Full text.
Credo ReferenceThis link opens in a new windowAccess encyclopedic titles in all disciplines taught at Dickinson, including various language dictionaries, the Marquis Who's Who series and numerous other biographical sources, economics and business encyclopedias, food and agriculture sources, publishing sources, atlases, and many encyclopedias covering the arts, history, literature, science, technology, religion, philosophy, politics, psychology, geography, country studies, and more. Coverage: varies. Full text.
Grove Art OnlineThis link opens in a new windowAccess a scholarly encyclopedia for art and art history. This encyclopedia includes thumbnail art images and line drawings, image links, and bibliographies. This encyclopedia is cross-searchable with the Benezit Dictionary of Artists using Oxford Art Online. Coverage: antiquity to present. Full text.
Grove Music OnlineThis link opens in a new windowAccess the online version of The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. (For the print volumes, see Reference ML100 .N48 2000.) This dictionary is a good starting point for research on composers and their works; musical periods and styles, including classical, popular, jazz and world music; music history; and related performing arts. Only 3 simultaneous users are allowed access at a time. This dictionary is cross-searchable with The Oxford Dictionary of Music and The Oxford Companion to music using Oxford Music Online. Coverage: antiquity to present. Full text.
Communication and Mass Media CompleteThis link opens in a new windowExplore material produced by the National Communication Association along with other journals in communication, mass media, and closely-related fields of study including language and linguistics. Coverage: 1915 to present. Some full text.
EBSCO Magazine ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowAccess the magazine archives of Architectural Digest, The Atlantic, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Ebony, Esquire, Forbes, Fortune, Jet, Life, Maclean's, People, Sports Illustrated, Time, U.S. News & World Report and Vanity Fair. Coverage: 1857-2015 (varies by title), contains primary sources. Full text. The Ebony archive and Jet archive are, in part, gifts of the Mary Moser Memorial Library Fund.
Film and Television Literature Index with Full TextThis link opens in a new windowAccess scholarly and popular information covering the spectrum of television and film studies. This collection includes articles on film & television theory, preservation & restoration, writing, production, cinematography, technical aspects, and reviews. Coverage: 20th century to present. Full text.
Google MagazinesThis link opens in a new windowAccess freely available issues of miscellaneous popular magazines. Coverage: varies by title, contains primary sources. Full text.
Humanities and Social Sciences RetrospectiveThis link opens in a new windowSearch for articles from English-language periodicals on subjects including anthropology, archaeology, art, classical studies, criminal justice, environmental studies, ethics, gender studies, international relations, law, literature, music, performing arts, philosophy, political science, psychiatry, psychology, religion and sociology. Use the library's "Get It!" button to obtain materials with no direct full text link. Coverage: 1907-1984. Citations only.
Humanities SourceThis link opens in a new windowAccess journals, books and other published sources from around the world in all aspects of the humanities, including archaeology, area studies, art, classical studies, dance, film, gender studies, history, journalism, linguistics, literature, music, performing arts, philosophy, and religion. For citation searching: click "Cited References" at the top of the search screen. Coverage: late 1800s to present. Some full text.
J. Walter Thompson: Advertising AmericaThis link opens in a new windowAccess documents relating to the history, operation, policies and accomplishments of one of the world's largest and oldest advertising firms. This collection includes account files, staff newsletters, speeches, research, staff meeting minutes, and a selection of print advertisements. It covers a range of brands, companies and industries, from automobiles to cosmetics and cruises. Coverage: 20th century, contains primary sources. Full text.
Modernist Journals ProjectThis link opens in a new windowAccess freely available, digitized journals as well as essays and other supporting materials from the 1890s to the 1920s for the study of modernism in the English-speaking world. This collection includes titles like The Crisis, The Little Review, The New Age, Poetry, and Scribner's Magazine. Coverage: 1890-1922, contains primary sources. Full text.
Readers' Guide Full TextThis link opens in a new windowSearch for articles in the popular press (magazines, news magazines, general interest periodicals), on topics including art, business, computers, dance, drama, education, entertainment, fashion, film & television, food, health & medicine, history, literature, news & current events, photography, popular & classical music, politics, popular culture, religion, science, sports & fitness, transportation, and travel. Coverage: 1890-1982. Some full text.
SportDiscus with Full-TextThis link opens in a new windowAccess sports and sports medicine research, covering subdisciplines including physical fitness, exercise, sports medicine, sports science, physical education, kinesiology, coaching, training, sport administration, officiating, sport law & legislation, college & university sport, disabled persons, facility design & management, intramural & school sport, doping, health, health education, biomechanics, movement science, injury prevention rehabilitation, physical therapy, nutrition, exercise physiology, sport & exercise psychology, recreation, leisure studies, tourism, allied health, occupational health & therapy, public health and more. Coverage: 1900s to present. Full text.
Women's Magazine ArchiveThis link opens in a new windowAccess historic content for women’s magazines, including Cosmopolitan, Essence, Seventeen, Town & Country, WIN News, and Woman's Day. Coverage: 1846-2005 (varies by publication), contains primary sources. Full text.