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Waidner-Spahr Library

LGBTQ: Books

These pages will help you learn the process of research on topics related to the LGBTQ+ community, including gender identity and expression, as well as sexuality. Guides will help you obtain background information, books, articles, primary sources, flms,

Finding Books

Use the library catalog search box below to see what books and e-books are available at Dickinson.

Jumpstart searches both the catalog and a large number of library databases, so it is also great place to start your research.

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National/Intl Book Lists

Below are lists of award-winning books on lgbtq themes, including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Search the Dickinson Library catalog to identify titles in the college’s collection. 

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Jessica Howard

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Librarian Office 8, Main Level (Map)
(717) 245-1918

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