A film review is an evaluative oral or written judgment about the quality of a movie, based upon various assumptions, facts, biases, etc. Professional film reviewers are known as critics; a film review usually includes a brief synopsis (avoiding spoilers), a balanced notation of both the film's pros and cons, quotable wording, and some judgments. More extensive, in-depth film evaluations are called analytical essays.
The following periodicals deal exclusively with film reviews.
The best way to start searching for a review of a film in the following databases is to type the title of the work as a keyword, and add "review" to the search as another keyword. Searching this way is likely to exclude works that are not critical reviews of the film.
Explore historical and recent journals, books and images in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, with some natural science coverage. Coverage: varies - historical up to 1-5 years from current date, contains primary sources. Full text.