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In the Library Catalog (search box on this page) you can search for books on any topic, including secondary source works and books that contain primary source material. Books owned by other libraries can be found using WorldCat (search box on this page). You can request books from other libraries using the library's Borrow from Other Libraries service. Additionally, you may be able to find copies of some texts using Google Books (search box on this page).
Using Advanced Search options in the library catalog and WorldCat, you can search for items in Chinese, Japanese, and other languages.
Because it is a multidisciplinary area of study, East Asian Studies books are not all shelved together in the library. Books are categorized by broad topic area, such as history, literature, politics, and science; thus, books regarding Asia may be found in many places throughout the library. Once you find a useful book, scan the shelves immediately before and after it for related materials.
For help "Finding Books in the Waidner-Spahr Library," and understanding the "Order of Books on Shelves" view the two 1 minute videos linked on this page.
EBook Collections
Michigan Asian Open Access Books Collection
From the University of Michigan. The collection, which includes humanities, social science, and politic science titles, thematically explores diversity of society, culture, and history in East, South, and Southeast Asia.