Basic process for finding articles
If you find an article that looks interesting check to see if there is a link to the pdf or HTMl version of the article by the citation. If not, then click the "Get It!" button to see if we have access to it either electronically or in print.
Requesting articles we do not own
If we have neither print nor electronic access to an article in our collection, then you can place an order for it through ILLiad.
You will have to set up account the first time you order an article but once you have done this once you can use this same account each time you want an article.
Once you have an account set up then you can just click the "ILLIAD" link in the "Get it!" button and log into your account and the request form will be automatically populated with the citation information for your desired article so you only need to submit the request.
(If you do not have a journal citation, but instead have a topic, use one of our databases to locate citations).
Basic process for finding articles
If you find an article that looks interesting check to see if there is a link to the pdf or HTML version of the article by the citation. If not, then click the "Get It!" button to see if we have access to it either electronically or in print.
Requesting articles we do not own
If we have neither print nor electronic access to an article in our collection, then you can place an order for it through ILLIAD.
You will have to set up account the first time you order an article but once you have done this once you can use this same account each time you want an article.
Once you have an account set up then you can just click the "ILLIAD" link in the "Get it!" button and log into your account and the request form will be automatically populated with the citation information for your desired article so you only need to submit the request.
(If you do not have a journal citation, but instead have a topic, use one of our databases to locate citations).
If you are looking for a specific article and you know the journal that it was published in, you can determine whether Dickinson subscribes to this journal by checking the Journals List. If you are not looking for a specific article, you can search for articles in the databases that we subscribe to.
Below, we have compiled a list of databases that are particularly relevant for earth sciences research. Click here to access our tutorial on choosing a database.
Try searching these databases for terms like "climate change," and the name of your city. You may need to broaden your search to the region your city is in if you don't get many results. You can also use database subject headings for climate change. For example, try the following search terms in GeoRef:
Click here to access our tutorial on choosing search terms.
Search peer-reviewed journals indexed, linked, and interoperable with GeoRef. Coverage: mostly 2000 to present. Some full text.
Access articles in journals published by Elsevier focusing on science, technology and medicine. Coverage: varies - some 1850 to present. Some full text.
Search everything from supernovas to marine pollution. This collection is a good starting point for researchers seeking information on a variety of scientific topics. Coverage: 20th century to present. Some full text.
Search for abstracts of scholarly literature across a wide variety of disciplines. This tool also enables researchers to discover and analyze the connections between research, locating documents by shared references, authors, and keywords; identifying subject experts; tracking citations over time for a set of authors or documents; and assessing trends in search results. Coverage: 1788 to present. Citations only.
Here are some journals in our collection that you might find useful: