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Waidner-Spahr Library

Geosciences: Earth's Changing Climate: Global Cities Project

Global Cities Project

1) Choose a city from the list provided in your lab manual of the world’s 100 most populous cities. First come first serve. To increase your global perspective and to appreciate that climate change is a global issue, consider choosing a city in a country where you are not a citizen. Suggestion: choose a city that you would most like to visit or a city in a country you would most like to visit.  Remember that it may be more difficult to find information on cities in less developed countries.

2) During those weeks you don’t have lab, work on your global cities project.

3) Research the physical geography, population, and socioeconomics (esp. infrastructure) of your city using sources such as:

-CIA World Factbook

-BBC Country Profiles

-United States Census Data


-CEIC Data

4) Research the past, present and future climate history of the city using climate data websites such as:


-World Bank 


-National Drought Mitigation Center 

-How much warmer will your city be by 2100?

5) Research the potential climate change vulnerabilities your city may experience up to the year 2100 (e.g., drought or sea level rise).

6) Research the climate change adaptations your city will need to make to increase resilience and remain viable in the year 2100.

-IPCC 2022 Report:  Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability

-IPCC 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change

-IPCC 2014 Report: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability

-IPCC 2014 Report: Mitigation of Climate Change

7) Play around with the Climate Models and Data for your city/region at Climate Reanalyzer