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Waidner-Spahr Library

Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies: Articles

These pages will help you learn the process of research for Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies classes.

Finding Articles

The library has different research tools to help you find journal articles:  

  • Databases - Library databases will help you find articles on a particular subject or topic.  Select a database that contains the type of articles you are looking for (e.g. women's studies, news, psychology, biography), and begin with a keyword search to narrow in on your specific topic.
  • Journals List - Use the journals list if you are looking for a specific article (for which you have basic citation information like the article title, journal title, author, etc.), or if you wish to search/browse the contents of a specific journal.

Find more information about articles, databases, and the Journals List below.

Evaluating Sources

It is important to evaluate the credibility of a source before you use it for your research. This evaluating sources guide will help you ask the right questions in order to determine if a source is the best one to use. 

The quick reference guide and video below will help you to identify scholarly sources, specifically.

Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies Databases

Related Databases

Below are links to several databases related to Women's and Gender Studies. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the field, it might also be helpful to consult other research guides, such as sociology, religion, political science, health, history, etc.

Your Librarian

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Jessica Howard

Mobile Librarian Hours:Mondays, 2-4 p.m.: HUB Upper Level

Librarian Office 8, Main Level (Map)
(717) 245-1918