I don’t want to view my screen anymore how do I switch to someone else’s?
Who do I contact if I’m having trouble with the media:scape station?
My screen looks weird, what’s wrong?
Will people be jealous of how awesome my group project is?
Three easy steps:
1. Open the media well and remove a PUCK.
PUCK™ (Personal User Control Key) is a universal user interface that requires no drivers, software or training.
2. Connect the PUCK to your laptop, a white light will turn on when your laptop is connected You will need a VGA adapter if you are using a Mac. See Mac Set-up box below
3. Share what’s on your laptop by pressing the PUCK™ . Press the screen icon, Screen 1 is on your right and Screen 2 is on your left. The PUCK will glow green when your laptop display is being shared on the screen.
To switch to a different user’s display, tap the screen icon on their PUCK. To turn off your display click the “off” light on the PUCK
Connecting your Mac:
You will need to get a VGA adapter from the Circ Desk. There are two different sizes, make sure you get one that fits in your computer's firewire port.
Plug it into your Mac's VGA port
Plug the media scape VGA cable into the VGA adapter:
Viewing your desktop on the media:scape display screens:
The screen sharing default on a Macs is to display as an extended desktop. This means your display would have to be dragged to the top right corner of the Mac Powerbook screen to be displayed on the media:scape screen. Essentially you are just creating more room on the desktop, think of it like a dual screen. If you don’t like this, you must “clone” your Mac desktop so that your laptop display is being shared on the media scape screen.
1) Click the Apple sign in the top left corner of the laptop monitor, Select System Preferences
2) In the System Preferences window, select “Displays”
3) In the Displays window select Arrangement and check “Mirror Displays”
4) Close the window by clicking the red circle in the top left hand corner and you are ready to collaborate.