Welcome to the Waidner-Spahr Library Emergency Information Guide. These resources were compiled for Dickinson College faculty, staff, and students to support the campus in preparing and responding to emergencies both on and off campus.
For information about evacuating the library, go the the Library Evacuation page.
For information about taking shelter inside the library, go to the Library Shelter page.
Things to remember:
Dickinson Emergency Preparedness - Information on what to do in the case of an active intruder/assailant, bomb threat, hazardous weather, and more potential emergencies on campus.
Emergency Resources - Important contact numbers and information for medical facilities in Carlisle.
Red Alert System - Instructions for how to sign up to receive Red Alerts.
Waidner-Spahr Library Emergency Quick Reference Guide - Building-specific guide for what to do in case of an emergency while in the library.
All Emergency Quick Reference Guides - Building-specific guides for what to do in case of emergency in each academic, administrative, athletic, community, and residential facility at Dickinson.
Emergency Contact: 911
DPS Emergency: (717) 245-1111
DPS Non-Emergency: (717) 245-1349
UPMC Pinnacle: (717) 249-1212
Rape Crisis Hotline (YWCA): (888) 727-2877
Poison Control Center: (800) 222-1222
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: (800) 273-8255
ChildLine and Abuse Registry: (800) 932-0313
Dickinson Wellness Center: (717) 245-1663