These instructions apply to non-intruder emergencies. In the event of an intruder/assailant in the building, refer to the advice on the college's active intruder/assailant page.
In the event of an emergency that requires evacuation from the library, you will hear the fire alarms go off, indicating that you must leave the building.
Things to remember:
- In the event of a fire, do not use the elevators.
- Fire extinguishers and fire alarm pulls are located throughout the library; see the maps below for their exact locations.
- In the maps below, red arrows indicate emergency exits.
- Emergency exits, fire extinguishers, and fire alarm pulls in the Archives and behind the librarians' offices may not be accessible after 5 p.m. or on weekends.
- After evacuating the library, go to either Britton Plaza (the primary rally point) or the ATS parking lot (the secondary rally point).