Search this online version of "Anthropological Literature" from Harvard University plus "Anthropological Index" from the UK's Royal Anthropological Institute to find citations for essential anthropological literature. In addition to journal articles, this collection includes citations for reports, commentaries, edited works and obituaries in the fields of social, cultural, physical, biological and linguistic anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, folklore, material culture and interdisciplinary studies. Coverage: late 19th century to present. Citations only.
Search for biomedical articles from several National Library of Medicine resources, including MEDLINE, life science journals and ebooks. This special version of PubMed includes Dickinson library's "Get It" links to additional full text. Coverage: late 1700s to present. Some full text.
Search everything from supernovas to marine pollution. This collection is a good starting point for researchers seeking information on a variety of scientific topics. Coverage: 20th century to present. Some full text.
Search for abstracts of scholarly literature across a wide variety of disciplines. This tool also enables researchers to discover and analyze the connections between research, locating documents by shared references, authors, and keywords; identifying subject experts; tracking citations over time for a set of authors or documents; and assessing trends in search results. Coverage: 1788 to present. Citations only.
Access scholarly journals and dissertations covering social science topics, including anthropology, addiction studies, criminology, urban studies, economics, family studies, social work, international relations, and more. Coverage: 1850 to present. Mostly full text.
Access journals, books and research reports that explore the environmental, biological, social and cultural factors that can impact public health and health equity in society. Coverage: varies. Full text.
Search our library catalog and many (but not all) of our databases simultaneously, or in any number of combinations that you select. JumpStart combines the library's catalog and about half of our online databases into a single search. Coverage: varies. Some full text.