If you are not sure which library resources to consult for a specific subject or discipline, visit our Research Guides, or contact any librarian at Ask a Librarian.
If you cannot find the book you want at your local library, you are encouraged to contact your Dickinson librarian to determine potential ways that you may obtain it. You can also search the library's online catalog to find what books the library has on your topic.
Using the local library at your site is a valuable part of your global education experience. So please be sure to check out your local library first. If you cannot find the journal article you need there, please follow the steps below to access our journal collection at Dickinson:
Here are some commonly used full-text databases:
Explore historical and recent journals, books and images in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, with some natural science coverage. Coverage: varies - historical up to 1-5 years from current date, contains primary sources. Full text.
To request an article that is not available in full-text, please go to ILLiad. You will receive an email notification on how to access the article electronically through ILLiad. Remember to indicate on your ILLiad request form in the notes field that you are currently in a global education program.
To access encyclopedia articles, statistics, primary sources, video streaming, and more, visit the library's databases page and click on the All Database Types drop-down.