A collection of open United States data from federal agencies (e.g. NOAA, EPA, NASA, USAID, and Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Energy, Health & Human Services, Homeland Security, Labor,Transportation, Justice, State, Veterans Affairs); as well as state, city and county governments. (The Harvard Law School Library Innovation Lab is creating a Data.gov Archive to preserve and authenticate vital public datasets for academic research, policymaking, and public use.)
Access an online United States national data and mapping tool with multidisciplinary applications. This tool provides data related to social sciences, urban studies, real estate and housing analysis, community and economic development, public administration, public health, policy and political science, education, business, economics, statistics, and geography, among others. Leverage U.S. data indicators to perform demographic and socioeconomic analysis, from a neighborhood census block group, up to a national level, as well as custom-created regions. Coverage: varies, contains primary sources. Full text. See our PolicyMap guide to get started: https://libguides.dickinson.edu/policymapguide
Find, visualize, and share billions of U.S. and international statistics from trusted sources that cover business, crime, health, labor and more. This collection contains mostly U.S., as well as some international, statistics on economic and social indicators, with built-in tools for creating data visualizations, charts and maps. Continuous updates for daily, weekly, monthly, and annual datasets are provided as data is released by the source providers.