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For other types of primary sources such as diaries, interviews, pamphlets, government documents, manuscripts, and so on, you can search the Library Catalog below and/or WorldCat.
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Another way is to read the bibliographies of articles and books that you already have found. You may find out what primary sources that the other scholars are using. Once you identify the sources, it should be easy to get hold of them, either by checking our library collection or requesting them via interlibrary loan.
For more information, see our guide on locating primary sources.
You can support your argument by quoting from secondary sources (studies done by other scholars). But you have to use primary sources to make an original claim or argument.
Access newspapers from around the world, plus a wealth of legal, business, medical, and reference information. This collection includes news; cases; statutes & legislation; law reviews & journals; administrative codes & regulations; company and financial data (SEC Filings, company profiles, etc.); and government, legal, and business directories. Coverage: varies but mostly mid-19th century to current, contains primary sources. Mostly full text.
Explore quality images covering the visual arts, architecture, archaeology, fashion, geography, the performing arts, science, and technology. Collections feature visual media from leading museums, photo archives, scholars, and artists, which have been rights-cleared for educational use. ***It is necessary to turn off your browser's pop-up blocker for ARTstor to work properly.*** Recommended instructions for using ARTstor on JSTOR are available. A video on how to refine image searches in JSTOR is also available. Coverage: all eras, contains primary sources. Full text.
Access original documents revealing the workings of colonial administration and British diplomacy toward Israel and the Arab states, from the British Foreign Office, Colonial Office and War Office, as well as Cabinet Papers from the 1917 Balfour Declaration through to the Black September war of 1970-71. This collection is cross-searchable with other collections via Archives Unbound. Coverage: 1917-1970, contains primary sources. Full text. This purchase was a gift of the Walter E. Beach Library Fund.
Access original documents revealing the workings of the mandate administration, diplomacy, treaties, oil, and arms dealing, from the Foreign Office, Colonial Office and War Office, as well as Cabinet Papers from the Anglo-Indian landing in Basra in 1914 through the British Mandate in Iraq of 1920-32 to the rise of Saddam Hussein in 1974. This collection is cross-searchable with other collections via Archives Unbound. Coverage: 1914-1974, contains primary sources. Full text. This purchase was a gift of the Walter E. Beach Library Fund.
Access documents related to the diplomatic and military response by the United States (as part of a multi-national force) to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990. This collection is cross-searchable with other collections via Archives Unbound. Coverage: 1990-1991, contains primary sources. Full text. This purchase was a gift of the Walter E. Beach Library Fund.