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CAPITALIZATION of boolean operators in your JumpStart/catalog search allows you to decide whether to include the and/or/not in your search. For example, a search for war and peace includes "and" as a search term. A search for war AND peace treats the "and" as an operator/command and only includes the two separate terms war and peace.
JumpStart and the Library Catalog search for all search terms separately by default. If you are searching for something with a specific phrase or for a known title, it is often best to enclose your search with quotation marks to get the most relevant results. For example, a search for "climate change" will be more specific than a search for climate change.
Wildcards are special characters that can be entered into a search to represent one or more other characters. These wildcards work in JumpStart and the Library Catalog.
Select one of the following from the drop-down that appears when you enter a search. The default is JumpStart when no other scope is selected.
You can limit your results before you enter a search, using the Advanced Search screen. You can also limit your search from the results screen by using the options on the left side of the page.
Some other options include the ability to limit to peer reviewed journals, items available online, or items available in print/physical format in the Waidner-Spahr Library. It is also possible to limit results by other source types, or to information published in a specific date range or in a particular language.
For limiters with multiple options, you can click the check boxes to include one type or category in your search. It is also possible to use the red check boxes next to limiters to exclude certain types of sources from your results.
Since JumpStart pulls records (descriptive information about books, articles, etc.) from multiple databases, not all the limiters are applied uniformly. For example:
By default, JumpStart search results include only items that are available to Dickinson users. This includes both online materials (e.g. ebooks and electronic journals), as well as print books and journals that you would find on the library's shelves.
If you would like to see ALL results, including items that you would need to request through inter-library loan select "Expand my Results Beyond Dickinson's Collection" in the top left corner of the JumpStart search results page. If you are off-campus, be sure to log in to your library account, as well.
While this will add results that are not available at the Waidner-Spahr Library, most items can be borrowed from other libraries using ILLiad.
A JumpStart search excludes newspaper articles from your initial results, in order to make it easier to find scholarly sources. If you want to see what newspaper articles match your search, click on Resource Type, and then Newspaper search on the left sidebar on the results page.
If you can't find what you are looking for in JumpStart, try a different resource or search technique. Visit the databases list to find specialized databases by subject (e.g. English or Chemistry), or by source types (e.g. encyclopedias or video streaming).