The library website is always a good place to start your research and access the library's resources and services. For example:
- JumpStart provides access to the catalog for physical items like books and DVDs, as well as about half of the library's online databases -- collections of information containing articles, statistics, and more, much of which isn't available for free on Google.
- You can refer to information about the library's services, such as borrowing periods, renewing your library materials, reserving a study room, and much more.
- Your librarians are here to help! Visit the Ask a Librarian page to contact a librarian through email, chat, or phone, or scheduling a research appointment.
- The Do Research page provides helpful information about search resources, online research guides, streaming films, and journal/newspaper/magazine titles.
- The library provides resources to help you with citations and tutorials for learning about topics such as finding books, choosing search terms, and evaluating sources.
The more you collaborate with the library, the better your research will be!