Waidner-Spahr Library houses over 375,000 print books and over 1 million eBooks. The library has open stacks, which means you can go to the bookshelves and help yourself to any print book you might be interested in using. Here is how you can find and check out a print book:
Students can check out an unlimited number of books at a time and keep them for 28 days. Remember to renew the books if you are not done with them by the due date.
eBooks can be accessed through JumpStart or the Library Catalog. For more information, review our tutorial eBooks at Waidner-Spahr Library.
If you have any questions about accessing books, please visit the library's Circulation Desk or contact us!
While many of the library's materials are in English, the library collects materials (books, newspapers, magazines, journals, DVDs) in a variety of languages and has many resources that allow you to search for materials by language.
Some examples for searching by language are below.
From the Catalog (From the Library Homepage, go to Library Catalog Only, and select a language from the language dropdown):
From eBook Academic Collection (From the Library Homepage, go to Databases, select Academic E-Book Collection (EBSCOhost), and choose a language from the menu below the search boxes):
Zoomed view:
From Ebook Central (From the Library Homepage, go to Databases, select Ebook Central, go to Advanced Search, and select a language from the language dropdown):
Zoomed view:
A text-based version is available here: https://dickinson.libwizard.com/f/finding_books
Finding Books in Waidner-Spahr Library by Dickinson College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.