Film criticism is the comparison, analysis, interpretation, and/or evaluation of films.
There are two different types of publications that offer opinions about films:
The film critic tries to understand why film works, how it works, and what effects it has on people; while the film reviewer looks a film's production values and general enjoyability.
Leading Film Critics Include: | Popular Film Critics Include: |
Andre Bazin | Roger Ebert |
Rudolf Arnheim | Pauline Kael |
Siegfried Kracauer | Alex Gorina |
Sergei Eisenstein | Leonard Maltin |
Christian Metz | Janet Maslin |
Kaja Silverman | Richard Roeper |
Andrew Sarris | Joel Siegel |
Bela Balazs | John Ivan Simon |
Peter Bogdanovich | Barry Norman |
See also our Film and Film Criticism Databases List.
Explore historical and recent journals, books and images in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, with some natural science coverage. Coverage: varies - historical up to 1-5 years from current date, contains primary sources. Full text.