The Chicago style of citation is commonly used in the humanities and social sciences, and features a bibliography as well as either footnote, endnote, or in-text citation.
There are two systems for citing in Chicago style: Notes and Bibliography or Author-Date. Different disciplines use different systems. General departmental standards at Dickinson are listed to the right, but check with your professor to ensure you use the appropriate style for your assignment.
Use the sub-tabs for this section, or click on the following links, to access sample citations for each system. You can also find a section for citing nontraditional sources such as images, videos, Tweets, etc.:
Citing Nontraditional Sources in Chicago
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections Primary Source Citation Guide
Citing Books
Citing Articles
Creating a Bibliography
Title for Citation List: Bibliography
Location for References: Depends on Format
Manual: Chicago Manual of Style Online
The following disciplines typically use the Chicago style, with the system preference in parentheses.