Many of the databases provided through Waidner-Spahr Library are hosted through EBSCO.
If a particular database on EBSCO has the ability to do a citation search, there will be a link on the top bar called "Cited References." Click this link. In some databases "Cited References" will be under the "More" option (not to be confused with "Citation Matcher," a different service*).
Note: Although JumpStart is capable of searching through many of our databases in order to locate articles, JumpStart is NOT capable of doing a citation search.
EBSCO does not standardize its search results, so if a work is published more than once, like many papers, multiple results will appear in your search. Some of these will be cited within the database and some will not, even if the result appears to be an exact duplicate.
When a work has cited sources within the database (thus EBSCO databases are generally limited to a single discipline whereas WoS is not), a "checkbox" will appear next to the work. (See image). Check the relevant checkbox(es) and click on "Find Citing Articles."
This generates the list of works which cite the original work for which the user searched.
EBSCO also hosts Waidner-Spahr's Get It! Button.
Although a user can actually select multiple databases at once to perform a regular search, a "Cited References" search cannot be conducted if more than one database is selected.
Note: When conducting a regular search on an EBSCO-hosted database, if a particular work's bibliographic references are on on the database as well, this will appear as "Cited References" on the result. This would be "citation mining" or "backward citation." You can actually limit your search to include only works for which the database has the cited works. Some other databases also allow for this citation mining, so keep an eye out for in future searches to help expand your research and find oft-cited works.
Related Records -- If you locate a work that cites other works hosted in the database, you can actually conduct another kind of search that will locate similar works. By clicking on the "Cited References: [#]", the list of referenced works is generated. From there, you can select works that appear particularly relevant and click the "Related Records" button at the top of the list. This will then generate a new list of works related to the original article, sorted by greatest relevance first, which is determined by the number of shared resources.
EBSCO also has a help page to guide you through their citation search. Type "Cited References" in the search bar and it will bring you to the appropriate page.
*A service many databases provide which allows the user to search for the full citation of a work for which the user only has partial information.
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