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Waidner-Spahr Library

Copyright & Scholarly Communication: Copyright

Copyright Guidance

In this web site and its publications respecting copyright, the College reaffirms its commitment to current copyright law and the protection of intellectual property. The College also recommits itself to providing relevant common sense guidelines to help faculty and students remain within the legal parameters of existing law. Nevertheless, the College urges everyone at Dickinson to recognize that copyright law can be complicated. In the final analysis, legal compliance with existing law is the sole responsibility of individual members of the Dickinson community.

Best Practices


Learn more about copyright

Government Publications & Copyright

Most U.S. Federal government publications are not subject to copyright, though you should still cite them to avoid plagiarism.  Federal government publications produced by an outside contractor MAY be copyrighted.  State, county, and local government publication copyright varies with the jurisdiction, but some entities DO assert copyright.


The library provides guidance on use of library owned and licensed resources, and we maintain this general copyright informational web guide, but cannot provide specific legal advice. 

  • For questions specific to the library and use of library materials and resources, contact:
  • For guidance on Moodle and copyright, please see the Moodle Best Practices tab on this guide. 
  • For specific questions about copyright and teaching, please email:  College General Counsel:
  • For questions about coursepacks, please contact the College Bookstore.