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Waidner-Spahr Library

Implementing the New Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education at PCLA Libraries: Resources

Lisa's Presentation

"Finding the Constellation in the Stars: Guidance for Information Literacy Programs and Pedagogy"

by Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe

Delivered May 24, 2016 at Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA


A Tweetstream also resulted from the workshop.


*Please fill our our feedback form regarding the workshop if you have not done so already.


During the workshop, some groups discussed using tutorials to flip classrooms.  Here are examples of online tutorials created by PCLA member colleges:

Tri-College Libraries:  Library Tutorials
Dickinson College:  Information Literacy Tutorials

Other IL Resrouces

PCLA member libraries are finding creative ways to foster information literacy on their campuses.  Here are some examples.

Group Worksheets

During the afternoon sessions, workshop participants were divided into groups by topic interest.  Each group was asked to reflect on Lisa's keynote address and apply their new conceptual knowledge to specific aspects of library work.  Here are the questions each group considered, and the poster sheets that resulted from those discusssions. 

Click images to enlarge

Group 1: Assessment


  • What type of classroom and/or programmatic assessment practices do you currently have in place for your IL program and what has been the most successful/informative?
  • Are your current assessment measures based on the ACRL IL standards or something else?
  • What opportunities does the IL framework provide for cross-campus collaboration on assessment? Who are the potential partners on your campus?
  • How do you envision assessing your IL curriculum/program within the framework?



Group 2: Cross-Campus Collaboration


  • What challenges have you faced in prior collaborative efforts? What ideas does the group have for addressing these challenges?
  • Are there natural synergies between the IL framework and other frameworks (e.g. “The Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing”) that we can build upon for cross campus collaboration?
  • What opportunities does the IL framework provide for cross campus collaboration? Who would be the partners on your campus?


Group 3: Information Literacy Program Goals/Outcomes


  • What goals / outcomes do you have for your IL program?
  • If you have developed goals/outcomes based on the Standards, what plans do you have for revisions/integration of the Framework?
  • How do we align our goals with academic departmental outcomes or institutional outcomes?
  • How might you leverage opportunities (such as curricular changes) on your campus to advance concepts in the Framework?
  • How do we write outcomes that reflect the Framework and make sense to our faculty partners?
  • What would be your goal for the upcoming academic year?



Group 4: Outreach


  • What kinds of conversations have you had with faculty and administrators on your campus about the framework?
  • How do we initiate and engage faculty and administrators in such a conversation?
  • What approach have you found to be most successful in engaging faculty in the dialogue about the IL framework?
  • What challenges have you faced? What ideas does the group have for addressing these challenges?
  • What would be your goal for the upcoming academic year?


Group 5: Classroom Teaching


  • Is Information Literacy required in the curriculum on your campus? What does this look like?
  • What conversations have you had among instruction librarians about the framework?
  • Has the framework changed how you design and teach classes or how do you anticipate it might?
  • Many framework concepts cannot be taught by librarians alone therefore how do we partner with faculty to ensure student understanding of the key concepts?
  • How do we develop an information literacy curriculum/program that extends beyond teaching search and discovery skills?