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Waidner-Spahr Library

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology: Reference Resources

Finding Books

Often you will need to get some background information on your topic in order to get a general sense of the history of the subject, and an overview of what research has been done up to this point.

Sometimes books can be the best place to get detailed, but not overly technical, background on a topic. Due to the long time that it takes to write, edit and publish books, they are not the best source for learning about the most recent research but books, or book chapters, can provide an excellent springboard from which to be able to comprehend the significance of new findings.

Use the search boxes below to search the library catalog. Jumpstart searches both the catalog and a large number of library databases, so is a great place to start your research.

Subject Headings

Here are some Library of Congress subject headings that are relevant to biochemistry (if you click the links then you can see the titles we have indexed on these headings in our collection):

Library Catalog

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Subject Guide

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Kendall Thompson

Mobile Librarian Hours:Tuesdays 10 a.m.- Noon: Kaufman Atrium by Sustainability
Wednesdays 10 a.m.- Noon: Rector Atrium
Thursdays 10 a.m - 11 a.m.: Tome 2nd Floor

Librarian Office 6, Main Level (Map)