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Waidner-Spahr Library

Implementing the New Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education at PCLA Libraries: Readings


A special note from Lisa Hinchliffe:  "I look forward to being the keynote speaker and facilitator for your PCLA Libraries event on implementing the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. It is great to see a community of librarians coming together to do this kind of work. A bit of preparation will maximize the effectiveness of our time together. Please keep track of the questions and insights that you may have as you read these documents and bring them with you to the workshop."

First, familiarize yourself with the Framework and the Standards prior to the conference date. Because both documents are lengthy and it is easy to get lost in the detail, Lisa directs your attention to those parts that are most useful for our time together.

Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education
Read the introduction and then for each Frame read the title, bold summary description, and longer description that follows.  Do not worry about the “Knowledge Practices” or “Dispositions” sections or the Appendices.

Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education
Read the sections in the prefatory text entitled: "Information Literacy and Pedagogy," "Use of the Standards," and "Information Literacy and Assessment." Then review the Standards and Performance Indicators, but do not worry about the “Outcomes Include:” sections.

Also, please read at least one of the three introductions to Understanding by Design listed below. You can choose the approach that appeals to you because they each give the same information but present it in slightly different ways.