A theater review is a critical evaluation of a performance, usually published in periodicals such as journals and newspapers. A theater review relects the reviewer's opinion or recommendation about the work. Scholarly reviews may be based on research and literary criticism.
An index is a specialized database that organizes information about the locations of articles in journals/magazines, reports and newspapers; and book chapters, papers in conference proceedings, and book reviews.
Electronic Resources:
Explore historical and recent journals, books and images in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, with some natural science coverage. Coverage: varies - historical up to 1-5 years from current date, contains primary sources. Full text.
Access newspapers from around the world, plus a wealth of legal, business, medical, and reference information. This collection includes news; cases; statutes & legislation; law reviews & journals; administrative codes & regulations; company and financial data (SEC Filings, company profiles, etc.); and government, legal, and business directories. Coverage: varies but mostly mid-19th century to current, contains primary sources. Mostly full text.